Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Brenda & Kevin | October 19, 2008

We've been so busy this month, between myself and my associates shooting at least 2 weddings every weekend! Trying to catch up on the blogging - here's the wedding of Brenda and Kevin. Kevin's parents and I are good friends and they also own the famous restaurant Passionfish in Pacific Grove. If you are in the mood for a memorable meal, fresh fish, great wines and unbelievable artwork on the walls then you have to check them out. Brenda was an elegant bride, something straight out of Martha Stewart Wedding magazine. This beach wedding took place in Carmel, at Carmel River Beach with the reception at the historic Whaling Station in Monterey. Here are some of my favorites from the day:

Venue: Carmel River State Beach
Reception: Historic Whaling Station, Old Monterey

- Scott

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Trish & Tim | October 4th, 2008

With rain clouds looming all morning it might have just been fate when the clouds cleared only a half hour before the ceremony at Mission Ranch in Carmel. The day ended up being nothing shy of perfect. Take a look at some of my favorites:

Venue: Mission Ranch, Carmel, CA.
Florist: Kathryn Smith
DJ: Jim Rivas, Sound in Motion

- Scott

Thursday, October 2, 2008

On1Breath Opening @ Scheid Vineyards

Last Friday night Scheid Vineyards opened it's new Wine Lounge on Cannery Row. Scott was fortunate enough to be named the signature artist and he has 10 On1Breath prints hanging in the lounge. He and his wife, Renee were out on the town so I thought I would sneak down there and grab a few shots of the night. With the new Clement Hotel and now the Scheid Vineyards Wine Lounge opening, that area of Cannery Row is really looking great. If you're in town you should head down there and try some of the '05 Pinot - it's tasty.

Scott's image 'Up For Air' - through the crowd.

Here's Scott, his wife Renee and Scott Scheid.

Cool quickie portrait.

- Randall